Source code for nanoqm.workflows.workflow_coop

"""Crystal Orbital Overlap Population calculation.

.. currentmodule:: nanoqm.workflows.workflow_coop
.. autosummary::


from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from qmflows.parsers import readXYZ

from .. import logger
from ..common import MolXYZ, h2ev, number_spherical_functions_per_atom, retrieve_hdf5_data
from ..integrals.multipole_matrices import compute_matrix_multipole
from .initialization import initialize
from .tools import compute_single_point_eigenvalues_coefficients

    from numpy.typing import NDArray
    from numpy import float64 as f8, int64 as i8
    from .. import _data

__all__ = ['workflow_crystal_orbital_overlap_population']

[docs] def workflow_crystal_orbital_overlap_population(config: _data.COOP) -> NDArray[f8]: """Compute the Crystal Orbital Overlap Population.""" # Dictionary containing the general information initialize(config) # Checking hdf5 for eigenvalues and coefficients. If not present, they are # computed. compute_single_point_eigenvalues_coefficients(config) # Logger info"Starting COOP calculation.") # Get eigenvalues and coefficients from hdf5 atomic_orbitals, energies = get_eigenvalues_coefficients(config) # Converting the xyz-file to a mol-file mol = readXYZ(config.path_traj_xyz) # Computing the indices of the atomic orbitals of the two selected # elements, and the overlap matrix that contains only elements related to # the two elements el_1_orbital_ind, el_2_orbital_ind, overlap_reduced = compute_overlap_and_atomic_orbitals( mol, config) # Compute the crystal orbital overlap population between the two selected # elements coop = compute_coop( atomic_orbitals, overlap_reduced, el_1_orbital_ind, el_2_orbital_ind, ) # Lastly, we save the COOP as a txt-file result_coop = print_coop(energies, coop)"COOP calculation completed.") return result_coop
def get_eigenvalues_coefficients(config: _data.COOP) -> tuple[NDArray[f8], NDArray[f8]]: """Retrieve eigenvalues and coefficients from hdf5 file.""" # Define paths to eigenvalues and coefficients hdf5 node_path_coefficients = 'coefficients/point_0/' node_path_eigenvalues = 'eigenvalues/point_0' # Retrieves eigenvalues and coefficients atomic_orbitals = retrieve_hdf5_data(config.path_hdf5, node_path_coefficients) energies = retrieve_hdf5_data(config.path_hdf5, node_path_eigenvalues) # Energies converted from Hartree to eV energies *= h2ev # Return atomic orbitals and energies return atomic_orbitals, energies def compute_overlap_and_atomic_orbitals( mol: MolXYZ, config: _data.COOP, ) -> tuple[NDArray[i8], NDArray[i8], NDArray[f8]]: """Compute the indices of the atomic orbitals of the two selected elements. Computes the overlap matrix, containing only the elements related to those two elements. """ # Computing the overlap-matrix S overlap = compute_matrix_multipole(mol, config, 'overlap') # Computing number of spherical orbitals per atom sphericals = number_spherical_functions_per_atom( mol, 'cp2k', config.cp2k_general_settings.basis, config.path_hdf5, ) # Getting the indices for the two selected elements element_1 = config.coop_elements[0] element_2 = config.coop_elements[1] element_1_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(mol) if element_1.lower() in s] element_2_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(mol) if element_2.lower() in s] # Making a list of the indices of the atomic orbitals for each of the two # elements atom_indices = np.zeros(len(mol) + 1, dtype=np.int64) atom_indices[1:] = np.cumsum(sphericals) _el_1_orbital_ind = [ np.arange(sphericals[i], dtype=np.int64) + atom_indices[i] for i in element_1_index ] el_1_orbital_ind = np.reshape( _el_1_orbital_ind, len(element_1_index) * sphericals[element_1_index[0]], ) _el_2_orbital_ind = [ np.arange(sphericals[i], dtype=np.int64) + atom_indices[i] for i in element_2_index ] el_2_orbital_ind = np.reshape( _el_2_orbital_ind, len(element_2_index) * sphericals[element_2_index[0]], ) # Reduced overlap matrix, containing only the elements related to the # overlap between element_1 and element_2 # First select all the rows that belong to element_1 overlap_reduced = overlap[el_1_orbital_ind, :] # Then select from those rows the columns that belong to species element_2 overlap_reduced = overlap_reduced[:, el_2_orbital_ind] # Return lists of indices of atomic orbitals, and the reduced overlap # matrix return el_1_orbital_ind, el_2_orbital_ind, overlap_reduced def compute_coop( atomic_orbitals: NDArray[f8], overlap_reduced: NDArray[f8], el_1_orbital_ind: NDArray[i8], el_2_orbital_ind: NDArray[i8], ) -> NDArray[f8]: """Define the function that computes the crystal orbital overlap population. Applying it to each column of the coefficent matrix. """ # Define a function to be applied to each column of the coefficient matrix def coop_func(column_of_coefficient_matrix: NDArray[f8]) -> NDArray[f8]: # Multiply each coefficient-product with the relevant overlap, and sum # everything return np.sum( np.tensordot( column_of_coefficient_matrix[el_1_orbital_ind], column_of_coefficient_matrix[el_2_orbital_ind], 0) * overlap_reduced) # Call the function coop = np.apply_along_axis( coop_func, 0, atomic_orbitals) # Return the calculated crystal orbital overlap population return coop def print_coop(energies: NDArray[f8], coop: NDArray[f8]) -> NDArray[f8]: """Save the COOP in a txt-file.""" result_coop = np.zeros((len(coop), 2)) result_coop[:, 0], result_coop[:, 1] = energies, coop np.savetxt('COOP.txt', result_coop) return result_coop