Source code for nanoqm.workflows.workflow_stddft_spectrum

"""Compute the excited states energies and MO coefficients using the STDDFT approach.

.. currentmodule:: nanoqm.workflows.workflow_stddft_spectrum
.. autosummary::


from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import warnings
from os.path import join
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from noodles import gather, schedule, unpack
from noodles.interface import PromisedObject
from qmflows.parsers import parse_string_xyz
from qmflows.warnings_qmflows import Orbital_Warning
from qmflows.common import AtomXYZ

from .. import _data
from .. import logger
from ..common import (angs2au, change_mol_units, h2ev, hardness,
                      is_data_in_hdf5, number_spherical_functions_per_atom,
                      retrieve_hdf5_data, store_arrays_in_hdf5, xc)
from ..integrals.multipole_matrices import get_multipole_matrix
from ..schedule.components import calculate_mos
from .orbitals_type import select_orbitals_type

    from numpy.typing import NDArray
    from numpy import float64 as f8

__all__ = ['workflow_stddft']

[docs] def workflow_stddft(config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum) -> None: """Compute the excited states using simplified TDDFT. Both restricted and unrestricted orbitals calculations are available. Parameters ---------- config Dictionary with the configuration to run the workflows """ return select_orbitals_type(config, run_workflow_stddft)
def run_workflow_stddft(config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum) -> PromisedObject: """Compute the excited states using simplified TDDFT using `config`.""" # Single Point calculations settings using CP2K mo_paths_hdf5, energy_paths_hdf5 = unpack(calculate_mos(config), 2) # Read structures molecules_au = [change_mol_units(parse_string_xyz(gs)) for i, gs in enumerate(config.geometries) if (i % config.stride) == 0] # Noodles promised call scheduleTDDFT = schedule(compute_excited_states_tddft) results = gather(*[ scheduleTDDFT( config, mo_paths_hdf5[i], _data.AbsorptionData(i=i * config.stride, mol=mol), ) for i, mol in enumerate(molecules_au) ]) return gather(results, energy_paths_hdf5) def validate_active_space( config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, nocc_molog: int, nvirt_molog: int, ) -> tuple[int, int]: """Validate and return the number of occupied and virtual MOs. The ``active_space`` keyword is treated as an upper bound by CP2K, so its values might be larger than the actual available number of occupied and/or virtual MOs. Parameters ---------- config The Nano-QMFlows configuration. nocc_molog/nvirt_molog : int The number of occupied and virtual orbitals as extracted from the MOLog orbital file. Returns ------- tuple[int, int] The (corrected) number of occupied and virtual orbitals. """ nocc_inp = config.active_space[0] nvirt_inp = config.active_space[1] # Correct for the presence of SOMOs, which translates to either additional # occupied or unoccupied orbitals depending on the spin if config.orbitals_type == "alphas": nocc_inp += (config.multiplicity - 1) elif config.orbitals_type == "betas": nvirt_inp += (config.multiplicity - 1) if (nocc_inp == nocc_molog) and (nvirt_inp == nvirt_molog): return nocc_inp, nvirt_inp else: config.active_space = (nocc_molog, nvirt_molog) # The input and MOlog file have different numbers of active and/or virtual orbitals; # issue a warning and return the correct number mo_type_list = [] if nocc_inp > nocc_molog: mo_type_list.append("occupied") if nvirt_inp > nvirt_molog: mo_type_list.append("virtual") mo_type = config.orbitals_type + " " if config.orbitals_type in ("alphas", "betas") else "" mo_type += "and ".join(f"{i} " for i in mo_type_list) warnings.warn( f"The requested activate space is larger than the available number of {mo_type}MOs; " "adjusting active space", Orbital_Warning, ) return nocc_molog, nvirt_molog def compute_excited_states_tddft( config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, path_MOs: list[str], dict_input: _data.AbsorptionData, ) -> None: """Compute the excited states properties (energy and coefficients). Take a given `mo_index_range`, the `tddft` method and `xc_dft` exchange functional. """"Reading energies and mo coefficients") # type of calculation energy, c_ao, nocc_nvirt = retrieve_hdf5_data(config.path_hdf5, path_MOs) = energy dict_input.c_ao = c_ao # Number of virtual orbitals nocc, nvirt = validate_active_space(config, *nocc_nvirt) dict_input.nocc = nocc dict_input.nvirt = nvirt # Pass the molecule in Angstrom to the libint calculator copy_dict = copy.copy(dict_input) copy_dict.mol = change_mol_units(dict_input.mol, factor=1 / angs2au) # compute the multipoles if they are not stored multipoles = get_multipole_matrix(config, copy_dict, 'dipole') # read data from the HDF5 or calculate it on the fly dict_input.overlap = multipoles[0] # retrieve or compute the omega xia values omega, xia = get_omega_xia(config, dict_input) dict_input.multipoles = multipoles[1:] = omega dict_input.xia = xia compute_oscillator_strengths(config, dict_input) def get_omega_xia( config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, dict_input: _data.AbsorptionData, ) -> tuple[NDArray[f8], NDArray[f8]]: """Search for the multipole_matrices, Omega and xia values in the HDF5. if they are not available compute and store them. Returns ------- tuple omega and xia numpy arrays. """ tddft = config.tddft.lower() def compute_omega_xia(): if tddft == 'sing_orb': return compute_sing_orb(dict_input) return compute_std_aproximation(config, dict_input) # search data in HDF5 point = f'point_{dict_input.i + config.enumerate_from}' paths_omega_xia = [join(x, point) for x in ("omega", "xia")] if is_data_in_hdf5(config.path_hdf5, paths_omega_xia): ret = retrieve_hdf5_data(config.path_hdf5, paths_omega_xia) return ret[0], ret[1] else: omega, xia = compute_omega_xia() store_arrays_in_hdf5( config.path_hdf5, paths_omega_xia[0], omega, dtype=omega.dtype) store_arrays_in_hdf5( config.path_hdf5, paths_omega_xia[1], xia, dtype=xia.dtype) return omega, xia def compute_sing_orb(inp: _data.AbsorptionData) -> tuple[NDArray[f8], NDArray[f8]]: """Compute the Single Orbital approximation.""" omega =[:inp.nocc][..., None] -[inp.nocc:][..., None].T xia = np.eye(omega.size) return -omega.ravel(), xia def compute_std_aproximation( config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, dict_input: _data.AbsorptionData, ) -> tuple[NDArray[f8], NDArray[f8]]: """Compute the oscillator strenght using either the stda or stddft approximations.""""Reading or computing the dipole matrices") # Make a function tha returns in transition density charges"Computing the transition density charges") # multipoles[0] is the overlap matrix q = transition_density_charges( dict_input.mol, config, dict_input.overlap, dict_input.c_ao ) # Make a function that compute the Mataga-Nishimoto-Ohno_Klopman # damped Columb and Excgange law functions "Computing the gamma functions for Exchange and Coulomb integrals") gamma_J, gamma_K = compute_MNOK_integrals(dict_input.mol, config.xc_dft) # Compute the Couloumb and Exchange integrals # If xc_dft is a pure functional, ax=0, thus the pqrs_J ints are not needed # and can be set to 0"Computing the Exchange and Coulomb integrals") if (xc(config.xc_dft)['type'] == 'pure'): size = pqrs_J = np.zeros((size, size, size, size)) else: pqrs_J = np.tensordot(q, np.tensordot( q, gamma_J, axes=(0, 1)), axes=(0, 2)) pqrs_K = np.tensordot(q, np.tensordot( q, gamma_K, axes=(0, 1)), axes=(0, 2)) # Construct the Tamm-Dancoff matrix A for each pair of i->a transition"Constructing the A matrix for TDDFT calculation") a_mat = construct_A_matrix_tddft( pqrs_J, pqrs_K, dict_input.nocc, dict_input.nvirt, config.xc_dft, ) if config.tddft == 'stda':"This is a TDA calculation ! \n Solving the eigenvalue problem") omega, xia = np.linalg.eig(a_mat) else: msg = f"The {config.tddft} method has not been implemented" raise NotImplementedError(msg) return np.real_if_close(omega), np.real_if_close(xia) def compute_oscillator_strengths( config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, inp: _data.AbsorptionData, ) -> None: """Compute oscillator strengths. The formula can be rearranged like this: f_I = 2/3 * np.sqrt(2 * omega_I) * sum_ia ( np.sqrt(e_diff_ia) * xia * tdm_x) ** 2 + y^2 + z^2 """ tddft = config.tddft.lower() # 1) Get the matrix i->a. Size: Inp.Nocc * Inp.Nvirt delta_ia = -np.subtract([:inp.nocc].reshape(inp.nocc, 1),[inp.nocc:].reshape(inp.nvirt, 1).T ).reshape(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt) def compute_transition_matrix(matrix): if tddft == 'sing_orb': tm = np.stack( [np.sum( delta_ia /[i] * inp.xia[:, i] * matrix) for i in range(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt)]) else: tm = np.stack( [np.sum( np.sqrt(2 * delta_ia /[i]) * inp.xia[:, i] * matrix) for i in range(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt)]) return tm # 2) Compute the transition dipole matrix TDM(i->a) # Call the function that computes transition dipole moments integrals"Reading or computing the transition dipole matrix") def compute_tdmatrix(k): return np.linalg.multi_dot( [inp.c_ao[:, :inp.nocc].T, inp.multipoles[k, :, :], inp.c_ao[:, inp.nocc:]]).reshape(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt) td_matrices = (compute_tdmatrix(k) for k in range(3)) # 3) Compute the transition dipole moments for each excited state i->a. Size: n_exc_states d_x, d_y, d_z = tuple( compute_transition_matrix(m) for m in td_matrices) # 4) Compute the oscillator strength f = 2 / 3 * * (d_x ** 2 + d_y ** 2 + d_z ** 2) # Write to output inp.dipole = (d_x, d_y, d_z) inp.oscillator = f write_output(config, inp) def write_output(config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, inp: _data.AbsorptionData) -> None: """Write the results using numpy functionality.""" output = write_output_tddft(inp) path_output = join(config.workdir, f'output_{inp.i + config.enumerate_from}_{config.tddft}.txt') fmt = '{:^5s}{:^14s}{:^8s}{:^11s}{:^11s}{:^11s}{:^11s}{:<5s}{:^10s}{:<5s}{:^11s}{:^11s}' header = fmt.format( 'state', 'energy', 'f', 't_dip_x', 't_dip_y', 't_dip_y', 'weight', 'from', 'energy', 'to', 'energy', 'delta_E') np.savetxt(path_output, output, fmt='%5d %10.3f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %3d %10.3f %3d %10.3f %10.3f', header=header) def ex_descriptor(omega, f, xia, n_lowest, c_ao, s, tdm, tqm, nocc, nvirt, mol, config): """TODO: ADD DOCUMENTATION.""" # Reshape xia xia_I = xia.reshape(nocc, nvirt, nocc * nvirt) # Transform the transition density matrix into AO basis d0I_ao = np.stack( np.linalg.multi_dot( [c_ao[:, :nocc], xia_I[:, :, i], c_ao[:, nocc:].T]) for i in range(n_lowest)) # Compute omega in excition analysis for the lowest n excitations om = get_omega(d0I_ao, s, n_lowest) # Compute the distribution of positions for the hole and electron xh, yh, zh = get_exciton_positions(d0I_ao, s, tdm, n_lowest, 'hole') xe, ye, ze = get_exciton_positions(d0I_ao, s, tdm, n_lowest, 'electron') # Compute the distribution of the square of position for the hole and electron x2h, y2h, z2h = get_exciton_positions(d0I_ao, s, tqm, n_lowest, 'hole') x2e, y2e, z2e = get_exciton_positions(d0I_ao, s, tqm, n_lowest, 'electron') # Compute the distribution of both hole and electron positions xhxe, yhye, zhze = get_exciton_positions(d0I_ao, s, tdm, n_lowest, 'both') # Compute Descriptors # Compute exciton size: d_exc = np.sqrt( ((x2h - 2 * xhxe + x2e) + (y2h - 2 * yhye + y2e) + (z2h - 2 * zhze + z2e)) / om) # Compute centroid electron_hole distance d_he = np.abs(((xe - xh) + (ye - yh) + (ze - zh)) / om) # Compute hole and electron size sigma_h = np.sqrt( (x2h / om - (xh / om) ** 2) + (y2h / om - (yh / om) ** 2) + (z2h / om - (zh / om) ** 2)) sigma_e = np.sqrt( (x2e / om - (xe / om) ** 2) + (y2e / om - (ye / om) ** 2) + (z2e / om - (ze / om) ** 2)) # Compute Pearson coefficients cov = (xhxe - xh * xe) + (yhye - yh * ye) + (zhze - zh * ze) r_eh = cov / (sigma_h * sigma_e) # Compute approximate d_exc and binding energy omega_ab = get_omega_ab(d0I_ao, s, n_lowest, mol, config) r_ab = get_r_ab(mol) d_exc_apprx = np.stack([ np.sqrt(np.sum(omega_ab[i, :, :] * (r_ab ** 2)) / om[i]) for i in range(n_lowest) ]) # binding energy approximated xs = np.stack([(omega_ab[i, :, :] / r_ab) for i in range(n_lowest)]) xs[np.isinf(xs)] = 0 binding_en_apprx = np.stack([ (np.sum(xs[i, :, :]) / om[i]) for i in range(n_lowest) ]) descriptors = write_output_descriptors( d_exc, d_exc_apprx, d_he, sigma_h, sigma_e, r_eh, binding_en_apprx, n_lowest, omega, f) return descriptors def write_output_descriptors( d_exc, d_exc_apprx, d_he, sigma_h, sigma_e, r_eh, binding_ex_apprx, n_lowest, omega, f): """TODO: add Documentation.""" au2ang = 0.529177249 ex_output = np.empty((n_lowest, 10)) ex_output[:, 0] = np.arange(n_lowest) + 1 ex_output[:, 1] = d_exc * au2ang ex_output[:, 2] = d_exc_apprx * au2ang ex_output[:, 3] = d_he * au2ang ex_output[:, 4] = sigma_h * au2ang ex_output[:, 5] = sigma_e * au2ang ex_output[:, 6] = r_eh * au2ang ex_output[:, 7] = binding_ex_apprx * 27.211 / 2 # in eV ex_output[:, 8] = omega[:n_lowest] * 27.211 ex_output[:, 9] = f[:n_lowest] return ex_output def get_omega(d0I_ao: NDArray[f8], s, n_lowest: int) -> NDArray[f8]: """TODO: add Documentation.""" return np.stack([ np.trace(np.linalg.multi_dot([d0I_ao[i, :, :].T, s, d0I_ao[i, :, :], s])) for i in range(n_lowest) ]) def get_r_ab(mol): """TODO: add Documentation.""" coords = np.asarray([atom[1] for atom in mol]) # Distance matrix between atoms A and B r_ab = cdist(coords, coords) return r_ab def get_omega_ab(d0I_ao, s, n_lowest, mol, config): """TODO: add Documentation.""" # Lowdin transformation of the transition density matrix n_atoms = len(mol) s_sqrt = sqrtm(s) d0I_mo = np.stack([ np.linalg.multi_dot([s_sqrt, d0I_ao[i, :, :], s_sqrt]) for i in range(n_lowest) ]) # Compute the number of spherical functions for each atom n_sph_atoms = number_spherical_functions_per_atom( mol, config.package_name, config.basis_name, config.path_hdf5) # Compute omega_ab omega_ab = np.zeros((n_lowest, n_atoms, n_atoms)) for i in range(n_lowest): index_a = 0 for a in range(n_atoms): index_b = 0 for b in range(n_atoms): omega_ab[i, a, b] = np.sum( d0I_mo[i, index_a:(index_a + n_sph_atoms[a]), index_b:(index_b + n_sph_atoms[b])] ** 2) index_b += n_sph_atoms[b] index_a += n_sph_atoms[a] return omega_ab def get_exciton_positions(d0I_ao, s, moment, n_lowest, carrier): """TODO: add Documentation.""" def compute_component_hole(k): return np.stack([ np.trace( np.linalg.multi_dot([d0I_ao[i, :, :].T, moment[k, :, :], d0I_ao[i, :, :], s])) for i in range(n_lowest)]) def compute_component_electron(k): return np.stack([ np.trace( np.linalg.multi_dot([d0I_ao[i, :, :].T, s, d0I_ao[i, :, :], moment[k, :, :]])) for i in range(n_lowest)]) def compute_component_he(k): return np.stack([ np.trace( np.linalg.multi_dot( [d0I_ao[i, :, :].T, moment[0, :, :], d0I_ao[i, :, :], moment[0, :, :]])) for i in range(n_lowest)]) if carrier == 'hole': return tuple(compute_component_hole(k) for k in range(3)) elif carrier == 'electron': return tuple(compute_component_electron(k) for k in range(3)) elif carrier == 'both': return tuple(compute_component_he(k) for k in range(3)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"unkown option: {carrier}") def write_output_tddft(inp: _data.AbsorptionData) -> np.ndarray: """Write out as a table in plane text.""" energy = excs = [(i, a) for i in range(inp.nocc) for a in range(inp.nocc, inp.nvirt + inp.nocc)] output = np.empty((inp.nocc * inp.nvirt, 12)) output[:, 0] = 0 # State number: we update it after reorder output[:, 1] = * h2ev # State energy in eV output[:, 2] = inp.oscillator # Oscillator strength d_x, d_y, d_z = inp.dipole output[:, 3] = d_x # Transition dipole moment in the x direction output[:, 4] = d_y # Transition dipole moment in the y direction output[:, 5] = d_z # Transition dipole moment in the z direction # Weight of the most important excitation output[:, 6] = np.hstack([np.max(inp.xia[:, i] ** 2) for i in range(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt)]) # Find the index of this transition index_weight = np.hstack([ np.where( inp.xia[:, i] ** 2 == np.max( inp.xia[:, i] ** 2)) for i in range(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt)]).reshape(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt) # Index of the hole for the most important excitation output[:, 7] = np.stack([excs[index_weight[i]][0] for i in range(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt)]) + 1 # These are the energies of the hole for the transition with the larger weight output[:, 8] = energy[output[:, 7].astype(int) - 1] * h2ev # Index of the electron for the most important excitation output[:, 9] = np.stack([excs[index_weight[i]][1] for i in range(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt)]) + 1 # These are the energies of the electron for the transition with the larger weight output[:, 10] = energy[output[:, 9].astype(int) - 1] * h2ev # This is the energy for the transition with the larger weight output[:, 11] = ( energy[output[:, 9].astype(int) - 1] - energy[output[:, 7].astype(int) - 1]) * h2ev # Reorder the output in ascending order of energy output = output[output[:, 1].argsort()] # Give a state number in the correct order output[:, 0] = np.arange(inp.nocc * inp.nvirt) + 1 return output def transition_density_charges( mol: list[AtomXYZ], config: _data.AbsorptionSpectrum, s: NDArray[np.floating[Any]], c_ao: NDArray[np.floating[Any]], ) -> NDArray[f8]: """TODO: add Documentation.""" n_atoms = len(mol) # Due to numerical noise `srtm(s)` can produce a complex array with # (approximately) 0-valued imaginary components; get rid of these sqrt_s = np.real_if_close(sqrtm(s)) c_mo =, c_ao) # Size of the transition density tensor : n_atoms x n_mos x n_mos q = np.zeros((n_atoms, c_mo.shape[1], c_mo.shape[1])) n_sph_atoms = number_spherical_functions_per_atom( mol, config.package_name, config.cp2k_general_settings.basis, config.path_hdf5 ) index = 0 for i in range(n_atoms): q[i, :, :] = c_mo[index:(index + n_sph_atoms[i]), :].T, c_mo[index:(index + n_sph_atoms[i]), :], ) index += n_sph_atoms[i] return q def compute_MNOK_integrals(mol: list[AtomXYZ], xc_dft: str) -> tuple[NDArray[f8], NDArray[f8]]: """TODO: add Documentation.""" n_atoms = len(mol) r_ab = get_r_ab(mol) hardness_vec = np.stack([hardness(m[0]) for m in mol]).reshape(n_atoms, 1) hard = np.add(hardness_vec, hardness_vec.T) beta = xc(xc_dft)['beta1'] + xc(xc_dft)['ax'] * xc(xc_dft)['beta2'] alpha = xc(xc_dft)['alpha1'] + xc(xc_dft)['ax'] * xc(xc_dft)['alpha2'] if (xc(xc_dft)['type'] == 'pure'): gamma_J = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms)) else: gamma_J = np.power( 1 / (np.power(r_ab, beta) + np.power((xc(xc_dft)['ax'] * hard), -beta)), 1 / beta, ) gamma_K = np.power( 1 / (np.power(r_ab, alpha) + np.power(hard, -alpha)), 1 / alpha, ) return gamma_J, gamma_K def construct_A_matrix_tddft(pqrs_J, pqrs_K, nocc, nvirt, xc_dft, e): """TODO: add Documentation.""" # This is the exchange integral entering the A matrix. # It is in the format (nocc, nvirt, nocc, nvirt) k_iajb = pqrs_K[:nocc, nocc:, :nocc, nocc:].reshape( nocc * nvirt, nocc * nvirt) # This is the Coulomb integral entering in the A matrix. # It is in the format: (nocc, nocc, nvirt, nvirt) k_ijab_tmp = pqrs_J[:nocc, :nocc, nocc:, nocc:] # To get the correct order in the A matrix, i.e. (nocc, nvirt, nocc, nvirt), # we have to swap axes k_ijab = np.swapaxes(k_ijab_tmp, axis1=1, axis2=2).reshape( nocc * nvirt, nocc * nvirt) # They are in the m x m format where m is the number of excitations = nocc * nvirt a_mat = 2 * k_iajb - k_ijab # Generate a vector with all possible ea - ei energy differences e_diff = -np.subtract( e[:nocc].reshape(nocc, 1), e[nocc:].reshape(nvirt, 1).T).reshape(nocc * nvirt) np.fill_diagonal(a_mat, np.diag(a_mat) + e_diff) return a_mat